How to get your House Ready to Sell: Home Seller’s Checklist

Hire an experienced real estate agent

Hiring an experienced real estate agent who knows how to market and negotiate is of high importance when it comes to strategizing the sale of your home.  As you interview agents, pay close attention to their experience level, as this is critical when it comes to knowing how to market and negotiate on your behalf.  Inexperience will always cost you money, for example; incorrectly pricing your home, not advising correctly on the right improvements, or lack of experience when it comes to negotiating the best price.

Get in touch with our experienced team today!

Set the right price for your market

No one wants to leave money on the table, but the approach of pricing your home high and then coming down later if need be just does not work in real estate.  Buyers have more access to comparable homes than ever before.  Homes that stay on the market longer tend to stagnate, even after a price cut, as buyers think there is something wrong with the home if it is not selling.  No amount of “presentation” is going to fix a price that is too high.  Priced correctly, a home will end up with a larger amount of showings and offers, and only an experienced agent knows how to find that perfect balance.

Use our free home valuation tool to discover how much your home is worth.

Clean everything

Deep clean the home so buyers feel the home is taken care of.

Depersonalize your home

Buyers want to see the house as a home for their family.

Let the light in!

Open all blinds and curtains, and turn lights on in any dark room.

Remove excess furniture and clutter

Too much “stuff” can make a home feel smaller.

Staging the home 

If empty, virtually stage the home to add a pleasing appeal online then leave the home empty for showings, as buyers want to see a blank slate to imagine their own belongings there. Check out our Ultimate Guide to Prep for Showings.

Utilize a professional photographer

96% of buyers use online tools to search homes.  This will set you apart from any competition and get you more showings and interested buyers.

Spruce up the exterior of your home 

Curb appeal really matters! Make the entryway clutter-free, open, and as welcoming as possible. Buyers get their first impression in the first couple of seconds of entering your home.

Repaint in neutral colors 

Your goal is to have buyers envision adding their own personal touches.  Busy colors and designs can turn off buyers very quickly.

Make necessary updates with the best return on investment

A dated look can easily be freshened up with some minor work, such as cabinet hardware, fresh paint, and new countertops.  This can have a big impact on the final sale price.

Be flexible with showings

Buyers want to see homes on their schedule. This means evenings and weekends. Plus, when they find the perfect home online, they want to see it right away! If you require lengthy notice, most likely, they will pass you by.

Contact our team to learn more.